APRIL 2015 – Invictus, a prime contractor supporting an industry-leading, global telecommunications client, is leveraging its domain expertise in Data Center design, layout and construction, as well as submarine cable engineering and operations, to design, cost, and validate a unique hybrid facility that combines a conventional submarine cable landing station with a high density Data Center.
read moreAPRIL 2015 – Invictus International Consulting, LLC is awarded a subcontract to conduct Campaign Environmental Risk Assessments supporting the U.S. Navy’s OPNAV Assessment Division (N81).
read moreMARCH 2015 – Invictus is awarded a subcontract supporting the Department of Education Security Operations Center with cyber security services that include incident response and analysis, technical writing, and the development of cyber security procedures.
read moreFEBRUARY 2015 – Invictus International Consulting, LLC is awarded a subcontract supporting the FBI’s Enterprise Information Assurance and Cyber Security Services (EIACSS) IDIQ contract vehicle.
read moreFEBRUARY 2015 – Invictus International Consulting, LLC is awarded a subcontract supporting AGILE applications development in a big data, interagency environment supporting next generation analytic tools on the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) Solutions for the Information Technology Enterprise (SITE) IDIQ, DoDIIS Applications Engine task order.
read moreFEBRUARY 2015 – Invictus is awarded a subcontract on an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract to provide Program Objective Memorandum (POM) assessment, planning, and warfare support analysis to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations’ (OPNAV) Assessment Division (N81) with a comprehensive methodology and supporting review process that assists in defining the U.S. Navy’s warfighting capability and capacity requirements for warfighter preparedness.
read moreJANUARY 2015 – The former Director of the U.S. National Ice Center, Timothy Smith, joins Invictus to support Arctic consulting and planning work with both the U.S. Government and Commercial clients operating in the region.
read moreNOVEMBER 2014 – Invictus International Consulting, LLC is awarded a subcontract supporting systems engineering, mission applications training, cross domain, and cyber security services for international systems on the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) Solutions for the Information Technology Enterprise (SITE) IDIQ.
read moreNOVEMBER 2014 – The Department of Veterans Affairs issues Invictus International Consulting, LLC certification for the Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned, Small Business (SDVOSB) status.
read moreAUGUST 2014 – Invictus begins a prime commercial contract supporting a global force protection and training services company with strategic consulting services.
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