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Success Stories

Invictus Saves Thousands of Analyst Man Hours

The operations of U.S. combatant commands (CCMDs) and the military missions they support are entirely dependent on accurate, timely, and relevant data that is collected from a myriad of intelligence sources worldwide. This case study demonstrates how Invictus’ custom software solutions improved and streamlined the collection, collation, and analysis of intelligence, reduced manhours, and accelerated real-time decision making to better support defense and intelligence efforts worldwide.

The Challenge

A key mission element of Invictus’ CCMD client included collating reports of military air activity from specific geographic regions in preparation for daily briefs to command leadership.  The entire process of collecting and preparing data for each daily brief consumed an entire work day for three military intelligence analysts. Though critical, the time required for preparation of this brief reallocated vital resources from their primary roles and responsibilities as intelligence analysts.

Keys to Success

Recognizing the paramount impact to mission, the Invictus Software Engineering Group (SEG) developed a set of data ingest processors that parsed specific data from reports that collected and collated data per analyst specification. Prepared data was delivered via a user interface that provided a custom data visualization designed to recreate the briefing format previously created manually by analysts. The solution allowed for the preparation of a presentation graphic for any specified time period, incorporating additional capabilities, such as trend analyses, to deliver flexibility to meet emerging mission requirements.

Value Created

Invictus’s SEG returned nearly 100% of analyst working hours to the command and an estimated 3,000-6,000 man-hours for a single analyst use case.  The intelligence analysts returned to focusing on intelligence analysis. This solution has been replicated for similar use cases, delivering results with additional minimal engineering effort and enabling the command to quickly realize additional cost savings through gained efficiencies.