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Announcements Certifications News Press Releases

Invictus Recertified ISO 9001:2015 Compliant

Alexandria, VA – April 16, 2024—Invictus International Consulting, LLC is pleased to announce that we have been recertified as a company meeting the requirements of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015. ISO 9001 certification is an internationally recognized standard that ensures the services we provide meet client needs through an effective quality management system.

The recertification, performed by TCB Audit Services, is valid for three years.

At Invictus we strive to not only provide the highest level of service to our customers, but to instill in them a sense of confidence and trust in us through certifications such as ISO 9001:2015 compliance.

About Invictus International Consulting

Invictus is an award-winning cyber operations, engineering, and applied research company that focuses on solving the nation’s hardest problems. Invictus provides enterprise level engineering and operations support to national security systems to include advanced technologies, cyber threat vulnerability assessments and mitigation strategies. Invictus also leverages our cybersecurity experience to provide support to clients in the areas of software engineering, intelligence analysis and enterprise information technology support.  These efforts are focused toward providing our customers more secure enterprises. Invictus is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia and was founded by military veterans.