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CEO Messages

We Will Win

To the Unconquered —

“He will win whose Army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks!”  – Sun Tzu

For your background, Sun Tzu was a Chinese General, military strategist, writer and philosopher who lived over 2500 years ago in the Eastern Zhou period of ancient China. He is traditionally credited as the author of The Art of War, an influential work of military strategy that has affected world-wide military thinking. Traditional Chinese historians dated his lifetime to 544–496 BC.

This quote from over 2500 years ago is very applicable to the Spartans of Invictus and is something that we all as a family have helped to create within “our Army of Unconquered”.

Our devotion to duty, to this country, to the mission and to each other has already inspired others to emulate us.  Numerous clients and visitors to our office, to our corporate events and as well as our parties …have commented on our extraordinary corporate culture.  One Senior official exclaimed that the professional optempo and positive buzz around the office was intoxicating and that they wished they could replicate it at their headquarters.

On a personal note, I remember when I had finally decided to leave the Navy after 20 years of service and went to tell one of my beloved mentors, General Pat Hughes…He listened patiently to my explanation and then asked me one question, “ Jim will your spirit be okay if you retire from the military?”  I have carried this statement in my heart ever since, because to me it was a profound insight into the person that I was trying to be and he wanted to make sure that my soul would be okay if I left something that I loved and had always been passionately committed to.  The General knew my background and my mission focus to help this country and he wanted to make sure that I fully addressed the ramifications of my decision and the impact it would have on my spirit.

My decision was what my National Treasure Mother would call a God event…it caused me to start an extraordinary journey of experiences which not only kept my spirit intact, but I met fellow patriots who were also passionately committed to the Defense of our Great Nation.

This journey has culminated with you all… the wonderful, diverse, extraordinary Spartans of Invictus.  We have united together serendipitously to help DIA and the country at just the right time.  We are united as brothers and sisters, and together as a family, within one spirit, we are focused on the common mission to Defend the Gates.  I am so proud of who you are and what you do…and as Sun Tzu said 2500 years ago…we will win because we are animated by the same Spirit throughout our ranks.  God Bless and Keep you all Safe!

Remain Unconquered,